Stay focused app for windows
Stay focused app for windows

stay focused app for windows

★ Lock mode: Requires a password for changing the settings. ★ Strict mode: Restrict you from changing the settings until the next day. ★ Activity history: gather the time that you open apps ★ Check phone history: gather counts of you checked the phone ★ App time spent: helps you keep track of time spent on different apps over time ★ App usage history: helps you keep track of your app usage history ★ Offtime: keeps you away from selected apps for selected time ★ Block notifications: after you have spent the daily allowed time to keep you away from distracting apps ★ Quick Play Pause: so that you don't have to change the existing settings ★ Track daily time spent while using the app itself: shows the timer with remaining time while using the blocked app ★ Block apps based on daily usage/hourly usage and Stay Focused: after you have spent the daily allowed time Stay Focused block you from using the app

stay focused app for windows

☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps keep track of time spent on different apps over time ☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps keep track of your app usage history ☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps you stop procrastinating

stay focused app for windows

☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps Increase self-control ☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps you block distracting apps and reduce distractions/limit distractions ☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps Block apps you spend the most time to reduce the usage ☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps you reduce mobile phone usage ☞ Stay Focused - App Block is the Best tool to increase productivity and concentration ☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps you spend quality time with your family ☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps you increase Study time ☞ Stay Focused - App Block helps you focus on your work or studies Spending too much of time Social Networking or Messaging Apps? Block it and it will help you reduce the usage. Stay Focused - App Block is a Self Control, Productivity and App Usage tracker app which helps you focus by restricting the usage of blocked apps or overall phone based on Daily Usage Limit / Hourly Usage Limit / Limit on Number of launches / In Specified Time Intervals and Limit on Number of Phone Screen Unlocks.

Stay focused app for windows